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This page provides our carers with all the information that you need to successfully be a Dusty Paws Dog Rescue Carer.




  •  To provide a safe and secure temporary home until your foster dog finds their forever home.

  •  To provide basic training to your foster dog. This includes but is not limited to -Sit, stay, come etc. Not jumping up on people, and place or crate training.

  • Socialising your foster dog is important too, if you have problems with this please contact one of us for help.

  • To provide a profile and pictures when your foster dog is ready to find a home.

  • To reach out for advice when needed

  • To provide meet and greets for your foster dog with potential owners. Please see meet and greet guide.

  • To provide enough mental and physical stimulation to your foster dog.

  • Names are to stay the same unless other wise instructed by the committee.


As we offer a 2 week trial to new owners it is important for us to have a new dog at least that long too. This gives us time to work on behavioural issues and get them fully vetted. Some dogs take longer than others to be ready or adopted.

Please also let us know if you need a break for a while. We all need breaks at times and there is no shame in asking for one.



  • We are here to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Rehome.

  • There needs to be rules for all dogs who enter your home.

  • Rules are you not being bossy or fussy.

  • Rules are an essential part of dog ownership.

  • A dog with no rules can become destructive, naughty and anxious.

  • Setting dogs up for success is our number one priority. Most of them end up in rescue because people have failed them.

  • Rules and boundaries must be set from the very beginning.

  • All dogs must have their safe place!

  • A place where they can go to be by themselves.

  • Their safe place can be a crate, a mat or bed.

  • This place must be their own.

  • No kids, adults other animals or dogs here.

  • Dogs can be fed in their safe place. Special toys, puzzles, treats.

  • Lots of praise.

  • Some dogs need to be shown how amazing their safe place is.

  • See files on 'Crate Training' and 'Place training'.

  • Also keep an eye out for some videos that will be shared on this subject.

  • We have Support Chats for all carers who have foster dogs.

  • Please reach out of you need help or advice.

  • We are very lucky to have some very experienced carers and trainers in this group

  • Please keep your foster dog on lead in public at all times.

House Rules

1. Irresponsible owners may not control their dogs properly

In a perfect world every dog would be friendly, play well with other dogs, and every dog owner would show responsibility for their own dog. But, this isn’t a perfect world!
Too many irresponsible dog owners take their dogs to the dog park to roam and run free. Often, the dogs that are brought to the dog park are really not great candidates for dog park play.
Instead of watching their dog, irresponsible owners mingle and socialize with other dog owners there, drink their coffee and play on their phones. Distracting them from what their dog is doing, which is often inappropriate behaviour like, bullying, biting, or humping.
An enclosed space with irresponsible owners and dogs of all breeds and sizes is often a recipe for disaster.

2. Aggressive dogs can pose a risk to others.

3. Risk of disease due to bacteria and pathogens.

As with any large gathering, there is always a risk of catching something that will make you sick. The same is true for dogs. When so many dogs are gathered in the same place there is an increased risk of disease.
Kennel Cough, Parvovirus, Giardia, fleas and ticks can easily spread from one dog to another. Even if your dog is vaccinated for Kennel Cough, there is still a chance that he can get it, as there are so many different strains.
Some dog parks provide water bowls for dogs to drink from, which is a breeding ground for bacteria and disease.
Dog poo that is not picked up by irresponsible owners can cause intestinal parasites such Giardia. 

4. No designated area for small and big dogs can lead to conflicts.

5. Dog parks are unnatural environments.

Socializing your dog is very important, but many people make the mistake of thinking that their dog needs to play with as many new dogs as possible, and what better place than the dog park?
Dog parks are not ideal spots for socialization. There is nothing natural about taking your dog to the dog park and expecting him to play and socialize with a bunch of strange dogs that he has never met before.
Even if you claim your dog is super friendly, outgoing and plays well with others, there are no guarantees that this will be the case when gathered in a large group of dogs. All too often I have heard dog owners say “my dog has never done that before” when their dog shows any type of aggression.
Dog parks are notorious for dogs who lack socialization skills and dog owners who underestimate their dog’s communication and behaviour.

6. Dog Parks Can Traumatize A Puppy Or Undersocialised Dog

Bringing a puppy to a dog park is a bad idea, especially if your puppy is under 6 months old. Puppies who are not fully vaccinated are at a higher risk of contracting diseases, and they should not go near any strange dogs.
Young puppies, especially those under 6 months are very impressionable and could become traumatized by dogs who are unfriendly or aggressive towards them.
The socialization process for your puppy should always be positive encounters and experiences. Dog parks are just too unpredictable and could leave your puppy feeling overwhelmed, frightened and traumatized.
It just takes one bad experience to traumatize your dog or puppy, and the effects could last a lifetime.

7. Injuries may happen, leading to expensive vet bills.

8. Poorly maintained dog parks can be dangerous.

Where To Take Your Pup Instead Of The Dog Park – Dog Park Alternatives

As we have learned, there are many dangers and unpredictability's that can happen at the dog park. The good news is, there are many great activities and places you can take your pup instead as long as they are fully vaccinated.

Including the following:

Pet-Friendly Retail and Restaurants:

This allows your dog to experience new sights, sounds and smells. Dogs must be leashed and friendly, and it allows your dog to practice his obedience skills in a distracting environment.

One-on-one Playdates or Small Groups:

Arranging a playdate with your dog’s best friend or a small group of dogs that your dog plays well with, is much more enjoyable for your dog than playing with strangers.

Outdoor Activities With You:

Your pup enjoys spending time with you, so why not try a new outdoor activity. Doing something new together not only provides great mental stimulation, but it can be a great bonding experience.

Why no dog parks?



All dogs will be adopted from us with up to date vet work. 
Only approved carers can book vet appointments (excluding follow up appointments for desexing and other surgeries. As mentioned in the initial foster carer agreement.

All un approved appts will be at the cost of the person making the booking)


All no shows to the vet are charged a fee. If you do not attend your appt without notifying you will be responsible for the fee

Vet work


Approved Vets

Paws Galore -145/147 Beach Road Christies Beach

Blake’s crossing -41 Village Terrace Blakeview

Noah’s Crossing -168 Hayman Road Lewiston

Elizabeth Park Vet -99 Yorktown road Elizabeth Park

Black Forrest vets -687 South Road Black Forest

Victor Vet -29 Adamson Street Hayborough

Murray Bridge Veterinary Clinic-140 Swanport Road, Murray Bridge

Seaside Vet -24 John Terrace, Wallaroo

Balhannah Vet –24 Bridge Street, Balhannah


If your dog needs to go to an emergency vet please contact your support chat to let us know. We will be able to pay over the phone.


SASH - 08 81257132
99 Rundle Street, Kent Town

Blake’s crossing - 7231 3000
41 Village Terrace Blakeview



What comes next?

​You have had your foster dog for at least 2 weeks and now they're ready for adoption!


You have two options 

Either you want to adopt your foster dog or they are advertised publicly for adoption.
Please note once a dog is listed you can not change your mind!

We want to adopt

You have fallen in love with them and would love to adopt them yourself.
Wonderful news!
A profile will be posted on Savourlife that you will need to apply via.
Once you have applied, they will be immediately placed on hold.
(The more dogs adopted through Savourlife, the more support they offer. Savourlife support the rescue with food, funds and advertising. This is why we insist on advertising all dogs through them, you will also be able to claim a free bag of savourlife kibble with your enquiry number as well).
To finalise the adoption will need to fill in the adoption agreement from the paw pack and send photos via your support chat.

If you dog is not desexed because they are under 6 months of age, then the desexing contract will need to be completed as well.

*Please note, as you have had your pooch for at least 2 weeks, there is no trial period.
Payment will need to be made in full at this time, and proof sent via your support chat.
We will then transfer the pooch over into your name.
We do ask that you take a 6 month break from fostering to give your new pooch a chance to settle in nicely.


Your foster dog is being advertised

Your foster dog will be advertised through Savourlife 

(The more dogs adopted through Savourlife, the more support they offer. Savourlife support the rescue with food, funds and advertising. This is why we insist on advertising all dogs through them, they will also be able to claim a free bag of savourlife kibble with your enquiry number as well).

All advertised dogs will either be on the site for at least 2 days or until they reach 30 applications.



What we need to know.

  • Name

  • age

  • breed

  • location

  • Cute nicknames.

  • What they're good with/not good with

  • Men, women, kids, strangers, dogs, cats, other animals.

  • What he/she likes to do.

  • Fave toys.

  • What he/she is good at.

  • What he/she is learning at the moment.

  • What they need to work on.

  • Medical notes.

  • Lots of photos loaded to the Album


Creating a Profile


  • Once advertised applications will be open for a minimum of 2 days.

  • After 2 days we will send all applications for you to read through.

  • Once you have chosen the best applicant for your foster dog please let us know through the Support Chat and we will email them. (Only one application will be contacted at a time, this is to avoid applicants getting their hopes up.) 

  • We will then let you know that the email has been sent.

  • Only then may you can call and chat to the applicant to organise a meet. 

  • Please let the Support Chat know the date, time and location for safety purposes.

  • If you require assistance please don't hesitate to ask.

Waiting fo applcations

Choosing the right home 

Adopting ANOTHER dog within a year....

Our aim here at Dusty Paws Dog Rescue is to set ALL dogs up for success.
Whether it is existing dogs in the home or dogs within our rescue.

Simply put.
If you have had a dog for less than a year (whether it be from puppy hood or adopted at any age), then our view on welcoming another dog into the home is No.

We strongly believe that every single dog deserves to be properly socialised and trained for at least a year before welcoming another dog in to the family and have the 'new dog training' transferred onto them.

Don't get us wrong. We believe that constant training for many years is required for any dog.
But a year is an adequate gap to have your existing dog reasonably settled in.

So if you see this in an application for your dog, please take notice.




Meet and Greet


You’ve made it to your first meet and greet.

Now what???

Firstly, please make sure your foster dog is freshly bathed, a day or 2 beforehand is ok.

If you feel a little nervous running your first meet and greet alone, speak up.

We do have experienced carers who can come with you if needed and support is always available through your support chat.

Don't forget you can call through the support chat.

If you are ever at a meet and feel uneasy either kindly let them know that your dog has other meets to attend and\or call us!! Let us know, your gut is normally right, and we don’t want to leave our dogs anywhere unsafe.


Make sure you have completed the "Getting to know me" form and the section of the adoption agreement that has the dogs details.



Paw Packs should include it:

  • Adoption agreement


(this will need to be read through by yourself and the adoptee at the time of adoption. Once filled out you need to take a clear photo of each page and send it through to your support chat.)


  • A completed "Getting to know me" form

  • A copy of "Settling our new dog in" form

  • Desexing records

  • Vaccination records

  • Microchip records

  • Business card

  • Spare Dusty Paws tag

Be confident in what you are telling the interested adoptee about the dog.

Make them aware that these are the things you have learnt about your foster dog in the time you have had them.

Dogs are always evolving and changing in new environments (for example, a completely toilet trained pup may regress a little when moving to a new place).

Please make the adoptee aware of any medical issues.  

For example

The dog being freshly desexed as it will need rest and time to recover.

Any eye issues or ear issues. 


If you are unsure how to introduce your dog to the adoptees, please let us know and we will make sure a mentor can be present.


Please ensure you have a good look at fences, any easy escape routes or gates which the dog/pup might fit through. If they are keen to adopt the dog but may need to repair or secure their yards, we are happy to offer them 48hr (as is the maximum hold time) to do this before leaving the dog with them.


If all goes well at the meet and greet then comes the decision…

Do they want to adopt?

If they need time to think about it, please offer them up to 24hr.

Adopting a dog or puppy is a big decision for some people. 

(the dog is not to be left with them during this time)


If they decide that this dog isn’t the right dog for them that’s fine. 

Not all meets will be perfect.


What if they want to adopt the dog??

If they are keen to adopt please refer them to the payment details on the business card in the pack as well as the adoption agreement. They MUST bank transfer the adoption fee. 


Photos of the signed adoption agreement and desexing contract (if undesexed) will need to be photographed and sent to us via the chat or email.


You will need to review the payment receipt and have them email it to us before the dog / pup can be left with them.


Sometimes people may make payment but need time to grab the essentials for their new family member, if this is the case we allow up to 24 hours. Once the dog/puppy goes to their new family the 2-week trial begins.


Well done, your foster dog has now been adopted. Now what?

Keep an eye on the foster page for incoming dogs, if you can take one please let us know. Also, if you need a break that’s fine too your only human.

If you have any questions please ask using the support chat.


**PLEASE try and get a photo of the dog with their new family for the Facebook Happy Homes Group. Then once the family are added you can do a welcome post **



At some point you may find yourself in a position where you need to collect a surrender. 

Let us tell you that sometimes surrenders can be easy, quick and painless.....
But sometimes they can be the complete opposite. 

Here's a quick guide to help you be prepared...

ALL surrenders must be approved by the committee before collection. 
We will send you all information that we receive regarding the surrender needing to be collecting. 
We have a surrender agreement that must be signed upon collection.
If at any point at a surrender collection you feel uneasy, give us a call. We will discuss the issue and either not bring the dog into care, or reschedule with another more experienced handler.
Some people do not lay out all information in surrender requests. 
Some dogs are nervous around strangers. (which is why we will call out for someone more experienced if we know the issues).
Please aim to take a clipboard, pen and surrender agreement with you. 
As well as a slip lead, collar and regular lead just in case they don't come with one.

Collect a Surrender

If there is anything you would like to be added to this page then please let us know in the support chats or at the bellow. 

Lett us know what advice you would like to see here?

Thanks for submitting!

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